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Building Preservation Studio: 2014

Documentation of an individual tomb following Historic American Buildings Survey guidelines. Documentation included site visits, measurements, field notes, sketch drawings, research, photography, proposed conservation approaches, and documentation using AutoCAD.

The C.A. Miltenberger Mausoleum is one of a handful of cast iron tombs in the city of New Orleans. The cast iron tombs were developed for the idea of permanence and easy maintenance, but were not nearly as popular as marble and granite tombs. Wood & Miltenberger was an iron company that was based in New Orleans which had their manufacturing done in Philadelphia. The Cast Iron Tombs were a stock product which included a number of ornate detail options. The Miltenberger tomb is one of the cast iron tombs with a high level of ornate detail. Some of the more ornate details that dress this tomb are cornice medallions and anthemions. The Frieze is decorated by intricate griffons with a Greek egg-and-dart band running around the perimeter of the tomb. On the sides of the tomb are inverted torches symbolizing that life has been extinguished. On the Door of the tomb lies an angel holding an inverted torch offering guidance to a young lady into the afterlife.

The current condition of the tomb is moderate. The central cornice medallion as with much of the other cornice details have gone missing or been broken. The entire roof is in a state of deterioration due to water intrusion and is now covered in rust. The white painted walls of the tomb are also starting to show signs of rusting.

The Miltenberger Mausoleum is located in Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans, LA.


John K. Rupley

Architecture Portfolio

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