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This project is a collaboration between the Department of City & Metropolitan Planning and Department of Communication at the University of Utah and the Utah Transit Authority. The project is supported by U.S. Federal Transit Administration grant 2008-DOT-FTA-PTPP: Innovative Small Research Projects to Advance Public Participation Related to Public Transportation Planning.

The Intent of the design was to mimic the surrounding mountains while creating a sustainable bus stop with an emphasis on comfort and safety to the commuter. The bus stop is elongated to provide the patron an option of being out in the elements or in shelter. The stop is oriented to protect the patron against the winter’s prevailing wind. The walls are galvenized steel cages with rocks in between, gabion retaining walls, which compliment the surrounding mountains. The roof is a high tensile fabric with a wire skeleton that mimics the mountains snow capped peaks. Thin photovoltaicpanels provide energy for the street lights, which gives safety to commuters who ride at night. The south side of the stop has a covered bicycle rack for commuters. The bus stop will enhance the view of public transportation at The University of Utah.


John K. Rupley

Architecture Portfolio

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